5 Convenient Tips to Do After Root Canal Treatment

Oral hygiene is pivotal for both your teeth and your general health too. And to achieve your dental hygiene goals, it’s essential to observe dental cleaning tips and scheduling appointments (at least twice a year) with your dentist.

If you have a tooth with a deep cavity that has become untreatable, your dentist will likely recommend a root canal treatment (endodontic treatment). So, what is endodontic treatment? It’s the removal of the infected tooth pulp and nerve according to this expert dentist in Farmington. The inside of your tooth is then cleaned, shaped, and sealed up. Yes, the whole procedure may seem intimidating, but the good news is that modern dentistry has made the procedure efficient, less-painful, and comfortable.

Some people dread the recovery journey, just like the endodontic treatment procedure itself. But do you know the recovery journey can be as best and smooth as you want it to be? Well, to find out how, please be sure to read through the article for some tips you can deploy after your endodontic treatment

Post-endodontic treatment care

After endodontic treatment, you want to get back to normal as fast as possible. But this may be far from reality if you don’t take care of yourself. With this in mind, follow the below tips for a fast, comfortable, and smooth recovery.

Pain management

After the endodontic treatment and the anesthetic wears off, your jaws and gums will experience discomfort and pain. Luckily, the pain can be managed. Your dentist will prescribe pain-relieving medications like ibuprofen. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to deter infection.

Furthermore, you can self-manage pain by engaging in activities that will distract you from the discomfort. For example, you may choose to visit a friend, walk, or read a book. However, it’s crucial to note that if pain persists, consult your dentist.

Choose what you eat wisely

The sensitivity that comes after the endodontic treatment should make your mind what you eat. Steer clear of foods that may cause inflammation. For a few days, avoid hot beverages, smoking, hard foods, alcohol, or spicy and sticky foods. Softer foods like soups, yogurt, cooked veggies, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal could be ideal for your situation.

You could consider cold foods like ice cream as they create a numbing effect. Great news to the lovers of ice cream, hah? Moreover, avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth until you have a permanent crown to avoid tampering with the work done on your teeth.

Being mindful of what you eat helps reduce swelling and pain, speeding up your recovery.

Exercise good oral healthcare

An excellent oral routine will not only speed up recovery but prevent your other teeth from getting damaged. A simple practice of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing can go a long way. However, you must floss and brush your teeth slowly to avoid irritating the treated tooth.

Gargle with warm salty water

The most noteworthy complication after endodontic treatment is an infection around your gum area. It can cause you a considerable amount of pain and health complications. That said, simple tricks like gargling or rinsing your teeth with warm, salty water can help alleviate infections.

By rinsing, your mouth remains clean and free from infections, making your recovery smooth and faster. The warm water also helps in soothing the affected area.

Follow your dentist instructions

Following your dentist’s instructions to the letter is one thing you cannot ignore if you want to speed up your recovery. Every patient is unique, meaning that the endodontic treatment is different for each patient, and so is the recovery. Complete the dosage of medications prescribed, follow oral hygiene procedures, and observe your dentist’s appointment schedule.

Once your appointments are completed, you may have to make a final visit to your dentist for a final crown to have your tooth fully restored.

Final thoughts

With the above tips, endodontic treatment should not scare you. The recovery can be comfortable, smooth, and your natural teeth remain intact. If you are experiencing discomfort, pain, or suspect you have a damaged tooth, wait no more. At Brisbanesmiles, we are here to restore your oral health. Don’t wallow in pain. Contact us today and book that appointment.


Elizabeth is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on – ELIZABETHMARKS.me

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