3 Simple Chest Exercises For Beginners

When you stand in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? If you’re like 79% of other Americans, then odds are that from time to time, you’re not. No matter your age or gender, it’s never too late to begin a fitness journey. Chest exercises can be a great place to start. 

Your chest is full of muscles, and by exercising them, you’ll help them “pop”. But which simple, beginner exercises can give you the defined look that you want?

Keep reading to learn about three of the best chest exercises for beginners that’ll help you get the results you want. 

1. The Push-up: Tried and Tested 

Do you want to know an exercise secret? In most cases, you don’t need most of the fancy equipment available at gyms. 

Sure, some of the machines are useful and can help you see results fast. But for people beginning their fitness journeys, calisthenics exercises that rely on your weight will give you a solid foundation to later build off of.

The push-up is a classic, no-nonsense exercise that works. To do it, get into a high push-up position, then lower your body down to the ground. Keep your core tight, and your body as straight as possible. 

2. The Dumbbell Bench Press: The Bodybuilder’s Go-to 

Anyone looking to build out their chest should make sure to add the bench press to their workout routine. Turning it into a dumbbell variation makes it something you can do at home with limited space and money.

If you have a bench or a suitable flat surface, you can lie there. Otherwise, you can also lie on the floor. Position a pair of dumbbells on either side of your body to get into the initial position. 

Put the weights in your hands, then lift them straight up into the air. Bring them back down to the starting position, then repeat the motion several times per set. 

3. The Dumbbell Fly: Get Ready for Gains 

The dumbbell fly is another one of the many great dumbbell chest exercises. To do it, lie on a flat surface with your dumbbells in your hands above you. Being careful not to overstretch, lower the dumbbells on either side of your body. Return to the starting position and repeat. 

The dumbbell fly is great because it targets many different chest muscles. These sorts of compound exercises help you see results faster than others. Check out this page to learn more about some of the different muscles in your chest.

Want to See Results? Try These Three Chest Exercises for Beginners

Are you looking to help fix pore posture? How about alleviate aches and pains, or control the effects of aging? The right chest exercises can help you get there. Give these three chest exercises for beginners a try, and the results will amaze you.

What are some of the other best chest exercises that’ll help you see results fast? Make sure to share your suggestions in a comment down below!

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