3 Steps You Should Take After a Storm

There is no doubt that there are simply some things that are beyond our control. The devastating impacts of storms are a testament to that fact. So, if you are unlucky enough to be affected by a storm, what should your next steps be?

A storm has the potential to damage every aspect of your home, from the floors to the ceilings, and so not making the right decisions immediately can put yourself, your family, and all of your belongings at risk. To prevent this, you should consider the below list of the top 3 things that you should do after a storm.

  • Check Your Home for Damage

Once the storm has passed, the first thing that you should do is check your house for damage. This will give you an idea as to the actual extent of the damage is. Of course, a lot of it may not be obvious, but a look through the house to have a quick look over everything will be beneficial in the long run. Of course, there are potential safety risks when checking your home, so be sure to:

  • Check the local news and ensure your area is safe
  • Look out for nails and broken glass
  • Stay away from downed powerlines; assume they are live and dangerous
  • Avoid standing water
  • Try to avoid checking after dark, and if you must, then use a flashlight
  • Be sure to turn off main lines, open a window and go outside if you smell gas
  • Contact Your Insurers

Of course, the next step after fully assessing the damage to your property is to contact a fire and water restoration company. There will be a local organization, for example, for weather damage restoration Phoenix; you would contact R2FW.

Afterward, though, you will need to be contacting your insurers so you can document the loss that you’ve suffered as a result of the storm. Be sure to take photos of the damage before the restoration teams arrive so that you can fully document everything you have lost. Your insurers will need to know these details in order to fully compensate you for these losses.

  • Fix Anything You Can Immediately

So long as it’s safe, you should start fixing any damage you can yourself. A lot of the time, a storm might not have damaged your home beyond repairs you can do yourself. If you can do that and would be able to fix the damage to an extent you are happy with, then it would be a good idea to get started.

Immediate repairs are also helpful as they can prevent further damage from occurring. If there is water and wind creeping into your home, then board it up and to prevent any more getting in and making the damage worse.

Conclusion :

If a storm has damaged your home, there is no doubt that it is an incredibly stressful time, but it is important you take a moment, calm down and carry out the steps above.

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