8 Unique Cake Designs For Men

Men are often surprisingly difficult to shop for. This fact is even more apparent when it comes to the special moments in their life. It’s understandable of course. Men are typically taught to hold their emotions at bay. The deeper the meaning of an event the less open about it they might be. But this can make cake shopping for birthdays, weddings and other important events more difficult than it needs to be. Thankfully you can’t go wrong with these eight unique ideas.

1. Animal Prints To Help Celebrate a Man and Man’s Best Friend

Cakes designed with an animal print seek to emulate the patterns of a specific animal. In this case the animal print would be patterned after the recipient’s pet dog. Consider the case of a man who owns a dalmatian. A dalmation cake would be white with black spots.

This type of cake design works under the principle that men have a unique bond with their pets. A man might be humble about his own life and accomplishments. But it’s a rare guy who doesn’t take pride in his dog. Adding custom personalised cake toppers can heighten the effect even more. For example, the topper can send birthday wishes from friends and dogs alike.

2. Textured Swirls Which Resemble a Cliff Face

Textured swirls on a cake can create a great emulation of a cliff face. A little extra flourish and those same swirls can take on the appearance of a gentle path up a hill. Either options can be a great way to remind a hiker or climber of his favorite hobby. It’s a great way to celebrate a guy’s favorite pastime. And it’s also a nice way to remind men that while the circumstances in their life might change their hobbies can still remain the same. Toppers can once again add a lot to the design. For example, a custom topper might state that he’s reached the summit of 30 to celebrate his 30th birthday.

3. Initials Offer a More Subtle Form of Praise

One of the larger issues when celebrating a man’s accomplishments comes from humility. The idea of a steadfast modesty is a big part of the strong and silent type. To that type of guy it’s just tough to see his name raised up high in celebration. This is why initials on a cake can make for a great design choice. It makes a strong statement of appreciation for a man’s life. However, it’s also subtle enough to ease embarrassment.

4. Golden Glory for Men Who Aren’t Afraid of the Spotlight

Of course men are often on the other extreme when it comes to modesty. Some men prefer silent humility. But other men are quite public when it comes to pride in their accomplishments. This type of guy will often love a cake which seems like an award in and of itself. A golden hue to a cake will make it seem almost like a trophy. And this also makes it the perfect choice for a cake celebrating a special accomplishment.

5. Celebrating the Mood of the Event

Imagine a birthday party or celebration centered around some traditionally manly cooking. This would typically involve events like barbecuing burgers on an open grill. It’s a type of cooking where a lot of men really like to go all out. And a cake can be a perfect match for the event with some careful design choices. A cake design mimicking an open grill would be a sure hit. Or the cake design could emulate the shape of a hamburger. It’s a dessert which also reminds people of the greatness of the cook’s main course!

6. Celebrating a Particular Sport

Most men have a favorite sport. In fact, a cake might be there to serve during a game. In that case it’s often fun to theme the cake around the sport as well. For example, a cake served while watching football might be designed to look like a football.

7. Celebrate the Man by Celebrating His Favorite Team

It’s important to keep in mind that sports are more than a simple diversion for a lot of men. Hardcore fans have strict loyalties to a particular team. These fans celebrate when the team celebrates. And those men also feel the team’s losses on a personal level. It’s this kind of association which makes a team themed cake so meaningful. Most sports fans would love to have a cake decorated with their favorite team’s logo.

8. Rose or Floral Designs

Floral designs might seem like the exact opposite of manliness. However, it’s important to keep in mind that many men see caring for loved ones as the ultimate in manliness. This is often especially pronounced during weddings. Ask most men what they want for their wedding and it’ll be a simple answer.

Men want to make their spouse happy. As such, sometimes the best cake for a man will be one that makes the woman in his life especially happy. A cake featuring the first flowers he gave her, some of her favorite flowers and similar choices are often a great match for special occasions. Likewise, a custom topper celebrating a man and his partner’s life together can add a lot to the cake’s design.     

Author’s Bio:   Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – lisa@lisaeclesworth.com or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com   

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