Maximizing Your Learning Potential: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

We all know that those who party hard are the ones who are not really studying in the same hard way, contrary to the popular saying. As the practice shows, they are using the most based on their learning potential by studying smarter, not harder. While no universal formula will instantly work for all types of people, certain elements will fit most learners. One of them relates to the attitude that you have and the self-control management that helps to overcome anxiety and stress. Once you are in the right state of mind and approach unknown concepts with an open mind and readiness to learn, your studies will feel different!

Let’s assume that you have a grading rubric with strict instructions that must be followed. An average student will spend hours trying to make sense of it instead of trying to re-engineer the objectives or narrowing things down. It’s one of those tricks that help to save valuable time and eliminate the fear of missing something. The purpose is to understand what must be done and why exactly! It’s not a matter of “how” but “finding the purpose“. Once you understand this aspect, you can proceed with a clear outline and make sure that you are on the right track! 

How to Study Smarter, Not Harder: Maximizing Your Learning Potential

– The Outlines Trick. 

When you want to master an unknown concept, learning the objectives is most important. The best way to do that is not to read every single page out there but to create a helpful outline. Ask yourself about the reasons why learning this or that is important, seek the definition, and compare the opinions. Next, create an outline that works like a mindmap based on what you have learned. It helps to stay focused and guarantees that you are always focused without trying to gasp way too much! 

– Narrowing Things Down. 

It’s easy to feel confused and stressed when you have to compose an argumentative essay based on a specific paragraph or write a reflective journal based on your personal experience. The trick here is to narrow things down and take notes as you research the instructions. If all this sounds like rocket science, finding the best online essay writer might be a good option to consider! Feel free to ask questions and learn how to complete tasks easier by learning various writing and editing tricks. It’s the case where every minute can make a major difference! 

– Working in Teams. 

One of the tricks to mastering challenging tasks is to cooperate and work as a team. The chances are high that you have at least two friends (remote online friends will fit as well!) who are studying the same subjects or are even enrolled in the same school. Learn how to approach your tasks together by discussing things and using free solutions like Slack or Trello to communicate and take notes. Your school or university may already have some platform registered, yet not many students take advantage of all existing benefits. When you learn how to cooperate and work as a team, your social skills will improve as well. It will help you to find a great internship and build a successful professional career!

– Using Helpful Learning Apps. 

Another method to maximize your academic potential is to create a list of helpful learning apps. Some of them may include organizers and grammar checkers, while others can help you to stay away from playing video games too much. There are also pocket dictionaries and apps that will track your physical activity. As you make your choice, focus on those solutions that make you smarter by taking the time to read the reviews. Learn what helps you achieve your routine tasks, not make them harder for you! Remember to download learning apps only from verified sources and official websites! 

– Implementing Social Media and Blogging. 

If you really want to make your studies worth it, do not ignore all the benefits offered by social media platforms and the use of blogging. Regardless of your academic subject, access to global sources of information instantly takes things to another level. This way, you can meet new people and make friends with fellow students from all over the world. Follow influencers in your academic field, ask questions, locate first-hand sources, and make your learning fun. When you are feeling motivated and inspired, your learning potential unfolds by helping you actually master the information and use it accordingly! 

Avoiding Procrastination and Setting Helpful Alerts

When you are a college student wishing to get the most out of every learning task and unfold those hidden creative powers, the most important is to avoid procrastination and manage your time correctly. Since most of us are dealing with social media and various apps, it’s always possible to create smartphone alerts that will help you to stay focused when you have too much on your plate. If you use something like EverNote, you can import and export information from Google Calendar and all the Suite apps to make your time management challenges a breeze! 

We all know that learning is not an easy task, yet once you ensure that no minute is wasted, it helps to become disciplined and know your resources well. Learn how to manage your time, master what you already have, and avoid procrastination at all costs!

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