Link Building As A Way To Drive More Traffic To Business Website

Website promotion by building up the link mass has not lost its relevance today. Yes, the link building market has changed significantly. But links still have a positive effect on the search results of a site.

Just five years ago, using links was easier. Google’s search algorithm did not include tough clauses on curbing gray-scale SEO practices. Today, the use of artificial cheating with the help of external links is increasingly suppressed by all search engines. Many sites with such services have simply closed. Now only a professional and balanced approach can improve the search results of a resource using links.

What is the link promotion method based on?

The method of promotion using links has remained the same. It involves an increase in the number of donor sites. As a result, external links to your site increase the popularity and authority of your resource.

The authority of an online site remains a priority parameter for search engines. Each link is considered as a snippet of linking to your site for certain search queries. Despite indirect indications, the search engine is forced to take into account the recommendations. It should also form the search result based on the number of external links to the site.

The second most important factor in a search engine’s priority system is popularity. Direct links, in any case, increase the number of conversions to the site. It is worth considering that the resource should be of high quality. Most clicks shouldn’t end up with less than five minutes on the site. With many “bounces,” you can run into the opposite effect. As a result, the search engine will regard the content of the site as inaccurate or irrelevant information. This specificity is the essence of today’s changes in the link promotion market. Now you can’t mindlessly buy any snares. It is essential to ensure not just transitions but also active user actions.

Donor topics and user interest

Donors close to the topic are considered a priority. Therefore, choosing resources with high traffic and a good rating is advisable. Search engines have learned to analyze the link mass and organize data with subsequent recommendations. In other words, it is crucial to select donors with similar topics and ratings. In this case, the search engine will regard the link from the donor to your site as a quality recommendation.

Content quality is measured by the amount of time a user has spent on a site. If the bounce rate is too high, it only decreases the site’s rank in terms of reputation.

The relevance of the link method of website promotion

Now, just like a few years ago, SEOs pay special attention to links. Taking into account the recent changes in the market, probably even more than before.

Link building is especially important for Google search promotion. Unlike the Russian-language Internet, the Western system determines the authority and “weight” of the site as one of the main factors of the relevance of the resource. Therefore, if your focus is on the Google search engine, then you simply cannot do without links. Objectively, this promotion format is mandatory.

According to the latest research in Europe, the promotion by increasing the link mass has entered the top methods.

In a Russian-language search, the situation is somewhat different. The Yandex system primarily evaluates traffic and user behavior. If you think that Yandex and Google work according to identical algorithms, then here you will be disappointed. The difference in search results is fundamental. Every developer or designer who uses pirated content will say that the chances of finding, for example, an image for a layout in Yandex are higher than in Google. The latest search engine will give more authoritative resources, where paid photobanks dominate. Yandex takes into account, first of all, sites with an increased level of visits. These are the ones with the most relevant content. To choose effective backlinks, follow the link. You will also learn why and how to adopt the white-hat link building trend.  

Link quality score

It is definitely worth working on increasing inbound links. The main thing is to choose the right donors, to take into account the context and subject of the links. In the current year, the main indicators of the quality of links are distinguished:

• Useful and up-to-date information on the link for the end user.

• Lack of advertising on the link.

• Active link status for 6-8 months.

• Lack of viruses and spyware.

• Similarity in thematic content with the site of the customer.

• Identity by geolocation.

Finding the best link donors takes a lot of time. But this is the only way to achieve good efficiency from external links.

Which is better: links or content?

There is no definite answer to this question. External links are an important argument, but the method itself can be seen as an addition to comprehensive promotion. That is, it is a component of a multifunctional system. At the same time, the content also cannot independently ensure the traffic and popularity of the site. In addition to relevant information, you need to optimize the site’s content, organize data, develop high-quality site architecture, and much more.

The user’s behavioral model primarily depends on the relevance of the content. There will be practically no “bounces” when the information is useful. Instead, the user will linger on the site, create a bookmark for your resource in his browser and recommend your site to his friends. As a result, the more traffic to the resource, the higher your site will be in the search results.

For the Yandex search engine, it is essential to correctly determine the context of the link, its subject matter and focus. An SEO specialist needs to understand the marketing component and check the link’s content. So, organic links in content always matter.

The Google search engine will evaluate, first of all, the authority and quality of the donor. It is important here to choose donors with high attendance rates, regardless of the link’s content. Even if you typed “free download” or “find as quality” in the search, Google will give first places to sites with paid content that does not quite match the given query. But the sites presented will be with the highest level of authority.

How to build links?

Perhaps, in some segments, the principle of thoughtless buying of link mass is still working. But in most cases, this leads to sanctions from the search engines. Sometimes even the most unfair, when the site can simply be “banned.” Therefore, the significance of modern exchanges has practically been reduced to zero.

Taking into account the new rules of the promotion, the approach to selling links has changed. Newer exchanges offer more expensive links. But they are distinguished by donors with great authority and the best attendance rates.

For example, we can point out the Collaborator link exchange, which positions itself as a platform for direct advertising. The main difference of the new approach is shifting to the marketing component. In this case, the link itself performs only a technical function.

Links from a trusted site with a similar theme are more effective. This service is provided by webmasters or SEO specialists. The general principle of the approach is to find the most suitable donor with similar activities. The closer the link context is to your profile, the better its performance.

Content marketing is still popular. Links to articles, releases, news feeds provide relevant links with a high increase in targeted traffic.

Purchasing volume indicators cannot be overstated when a specialist uses relevant links. The more quality links a site gets, the higher the search results get. Another question is the financial component. More often than not, the link budget is not very large. As a result, the specialist needs to determine the balance between the quality and the volume of the reference mass. In any case, it is advisable to use only high-quality links with relevant content and suitable topics.

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