The Top 4 Axolotl Habitat Requirements Every Owner Should Know

Axolotls are a fascinating creature you can only find in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico City. These aquatic salamanders look like a Pokemon brought to life, with frilly gills and a perma-smile on their faces!

While you can only find them in 1 place on the planet, axolotls have become an immensely popular pet. Their cuteness is hard to resist, so it’s only natural they’ve exploded in popularity.

If you want to join the hype though, you need to make sure you’ve got the right environment for your new family member. Otherwise, it won’t be happy.

Below are 4 axolotl habitat requirements you should know about.

1. Give Them as Much Space as Possible

At a minimum, you need a 10-gallon aquarium for 1 axolotl. But it’s much better if you can go with 20 gallons or more.

Like goldfish, axolotls produce a lot of waste, so the bigger the aquarium, the more diluted the waste will be. This will make it easier to maintain the tank’s parameters and keep your axolotl healthy.

An axolotl pond can be a good idea since it’ll give them plenty of room. These can go either indoors or outdoors, but we highly suggest the former since they’ll be safer.

2. Avoid Using Gravel Substrate

Most people like to have substrate at the bottom of their tanks to make them look less empty. With fish, gravel is fine, but you need to avoid it with axolotls. They feed by sucking water into their mouths, and if they suck in gravel, impaction might occur.

The better choice is sand substrate since there’s no risk of impaction. Plus, these salamanders love playing around in sand, so it’s a good source of stimulation!

You can also choose to go with a bare-bottom tank if you wish.

3. Maintain the Right Water Parameters

Mexico is a warm country, so axolotls prefer warmer water. Keep your axolotl habitat at around 60-70F, with the pH between 6.5 to 8.0.

Ammonia, chlorine, chloramine, and nitrite levels should be 0 ppm; nitrate can be between 0 to 10 ppm. The carbonated hardness should be 3-8 KH while the general hardness should be 7-14 GH.

If you need help, ask your axolotl seller about what tank parameters they have. If you replicate their conditions, your axolotl will definitely be happy in your aquarium.

4. Don’t Have Tank Mates

While axolotls look cute and friendly, they’re actually pretty vicious. They’ll try to nibble and bite anything in their tank, and they’ll surely eat anything that fits in their mouths!

You shouldn’t even keep axolotls together, although full-grown adults might be able to cohabitate. However, these are solitary animals and they do best on their own.

More experienced axolotl owners might be able to successfully house multiple axolotls in 1 tank. But if you’re new to axolotl ownership, we highly recommend sticking to just 1.

Make Sure You Meet These Axolotl Habitat Requirements

By meeting these axolotl habitat requirements, you’ll help your pet stay happy and healthy. Give them as much space as possible, don’t use sand as a substrate, maintain good water conditions, and don’t give your axolotl tank mates. With this information, caring for an axolotl will be a lot easier!

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