8 Life-saving Tips About Workers Compensation

No one likes the idea of getting hurt at work. Unfortunately, it is common for people to get injured while they are doing their jobs. When this happens, it can be difficult for someone to continue paying their bills and making ends meet while out of work recovering. If your employer offers workers’ compensation benefits, this may be the only hope you have of getting through until you are back to work. Below are some practical, life-saving tips to help you get the most out of your claim. If you have trouble getting your benefits, it is wise to seek the help of Perth Compensation Lawyers.

1. Report The Injury Immediately

As soon as you get injured at work, you need to report to your supervisor. Depending on where you live, there are deadlines on when you have to report your injury to your employer to receive compensation benefits. If you miss that deadline, you may be out of luck with getting help. In some areas, you may also have to file your claim in the courts by a certain date to be eligible.

2. Get Medical Treatment Promptly

Once you are injured, it is important to seek medical treatment for your injuries. Not only can this lead to a quicker recovery, but it can also help you have a better chance of getting approved for your workers’ compensation claim. Medical treatment is documented evidence about your accident that will describe your physical restrictions and injuries. Insurance companies typically try to argue that claimant’s injuries are not as severe as they say and try to delay or deny benefits.

3. Switch Doctors

To ensure you get the compensation you deserve, you may need to switch doctors. In some areas, the insurance company chooses its doctors to sway decisions in their way instead of the injured. When you get treatment from the insurance companies’ doctors, there’s often a conflict of interest because they are paid by the insurance companies and do not always have the claimant’s best interest at heart. If you are seeing a doctor and feel you aren’t getting the best treatment possible, consider switching to a new doctor.

4. Prepare For Independent Examinations

You may have to prepare for going through an independent medical examination. This is different from a regular doctor’s visit and the physician will not be focusing on treating your injuries. The purpose of this visit is to review your medical records, performing exams and issue a report for the insurance company. If you are scheduled for this examination, you mustn’t miss it or you may get denied your claim.

5. Watch For Private Investigators

In some cases, the insurance company may question the credibility of your claim to the extent of your injuries. They may hire an investigator to monitor you in public places or at your home. They do this to try and catch you performing tasks or jobs that you said you weren’t able to do after getting injured at work. Being caught in the act could get your workers’ compensation claim denied.

6. Keep Detailed Records

It is in your best interest to keep detailed records of everything that happens following your accident. Retain all paperwork concerning your claim, doctor’s appointments, work restrictions and any letters from your employer and the insurance company. Many of these may be necessary to get your claim approved and paid out.

7. Appeal If Denied

You may be denied the first time you file for compensation benefits. This often happens because insurance companies are businesses that strive to earn profits. They often deny workers compensation claims that are legitimate to help save them money. You have the right to appeal a denial, and it may be in your best interest to hire the help of a lawyer to ensure you get the benefits you rightly deserve.

8. Attend All Appointments and Meetings

Unless you hire the help of a lawyer, you’re going to have to attend every court date and meeting during the appeals process. This can include hearings, mediation and scheduled conferences. Any appointments missed may increase your risk of an appeal being denied. Even if you hire a lawyer, you will be required to attend many of the meetings.

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