Crucial Tips For A Successful HR Digital Transformation

We live in a digital era where most of our daily activities involve high technology devices. From payments to communication, most people use their mobile phones to access websites and solve tasks.

In 2020, even governments have most of their public data online, and companies tend to switch their bureaucracy into the virtual form. This means that HR changes too.

But how do you convert traditional human resources into a digital form without creating confusion and disorder in the workplace? In this article, you’ll find out some crucial tips for a successful HR digital transformation.

Ease The Work Of Employees Through High Tech Equipment

Automation is one of the best approaches to increase employee retention and productivity. If you introduce more automatic procedures in your workplace, you’ll ease the work of your staff. Employees don’t have to execute physical tasks that can be dangerous and time-consuming. Instead, they can supervise, come up with ideas, and solve issues. This way, you’re using employees for their human skills rather than for their physical labor.

Furthermore, HR software can match employees with their positions better. When recruiting new workers, employers reported that their candidates couldn’t complete specific tasks. So, HR algorithms can aid in the employment process by finding the right fit for the position. Also, these methods are useful to pair the employee with the right team to ensure the complete integration of the new member.

Create An Automatic HR Process

The main benefit of the digital transformation of HR is the reduction of paperwork and unnecessary protocols. HR software gives you the ability to turn paper documents into virtual ones that you can modify on the spot. This method reduces paper and time waste.

Every HR process can become more efficient through high tech tools: from processing resumes and scanning documents to budget administration and feedback forms.

You can create new documents or forms and use the standard templates available, or you can download them. This way, time, costs, and patience are saved.

Use Technology To Promote Transparency

Along with a corporate mindset, you may want to encourage transparency. Luckily, technology can help you with that. You can store documents, policies, announcements, budget management, and even paycheck statements on a shared company cloud accessible by all employees through a password. This way, your staff will feel like the business they’re working for doesn’t mind sharing information with them. It encourages trust, honesty, and a collaborative mindset, which help optimize the workplace and employee performance.

Additionally, you can involve the whole staff in the company’s goals. Technology can help collect feedback from employees: new ideas, suggestions, solutions, and more.

Keep Your Employees Around With The Help Of Analytics

Employee retention is a complex matter. The company loses money every time a worker resigns. So, the goal is to keep your employees once you hired them. For this reason, you can use technology such as Software as a Service (SaaS) products that gather information from employees’ surveys and other feedback tools. Then, the process data helps you understand your workers better and to forecast potential issues. As a consequence, you know how to approach new situations to keep your workers on board.

Moreover, along with including more employees into the corporate affairs of the company, technology can help your best-performing workers. You can offer top personnel to work towards new objectives.

For example, you can offer them the technology to work from home or to travel the world. Otherwise, you can allow them to continue studying and training through virtual programs. This way, your most efficient workers are more likely to continue working for you because of high tech advantages.

Engage Your Staff In Corporate Matters

“Every company has its own corporate culture: values and goals that define the firm and represent a reference point for employees” – says Jake Gardener, HR manager at

Part of HR’s responsibility is to help expand the mindset to all employees. But to do that, you must include all staff into corporate business. So, start by communicating with them and making them feel like they’re part of the team, not just working for the firm.

You can use technology to keep policies and guidelines updated. HR apps can ease the department’s communication with the rest of the employees and analyze feedback. Additionally, high tech software can simplify the development of benefit programs and bonuses.

This way, you keep personnel engaged and interested in the company’s growth and success while actively contributing to it.

Motivate Employees To Improve Their Performance

You can use technology if you wish to motivate employees to better their performance. One of the first ways is to use digital options for education and training. For example, you can encourage workers to take online classes on collective platforms that use interactive materials. This way, you integrate technology into the learning process, which becomes more exciting and engaging.

Alternatively, you can use wellness and health gadgets. For example, you can encourage employees to cultivate healthy habits with smartwatches that monitor one’s heartbeat, steps count, and calories. You can also offer employees gym and health insurance perks if they reach specific fitness goals.

Use Technology To Track Progress

You can also use technology to track progress. After you take measures to solve and optimize, try to analyze whether your success. For example, many software can be installed on your company’s network. They work in the background and store data regarding sales, online traffic, and even employee performance rates. So, once in a while, you can access that data and analyze it.

Use AI For Recruitment

As mentioned previously, new software can be useful for recruiting candidates. However, nowadays, Artificial Intelligence seems to be far more efficient than standard algorithm-based apps. AI simulates behavior patterns and the decision-making of humans. So, when you need to hire employees, your AI assistant can do it for you in a heartbeat. Then, you can confirm their choices or not. This new technology can speed up recruitment processes and match talents with tasks better.

AI can also help with other functions. For example, businesses invest in AI for customer service. In some cases, technology is so advanced that clients don’t even notice that they’re chatting with artificial intelligence.


If you want to transform HR into a digital form successfully, try following these tips:

  1. Ease the work of employees through high tech equipment
  2. Create an automatic HR process
  3. Use technology to promote transparency
  4. Keep your employees around with the help of analytics
  5. Engage your staff in corporate matters
  6. Motivate employees to improve their performance
  7. Use technology to track progress
  8. Use AI for recruitment
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