8 Ways To Make Your Wall Paint Last Longer

Painting your house can be such a daunting and costly task. Nevertheless, you must ensure you paint your home with the very best quality paint. Even if you are DIY, you must do it right the very first time to avoid lapses, errors, or blotting.

Why Your Wall Paint Need To Last Longer

  • Your exterior wall painting is part of your curb appeal. How so then will you project the value of your home to outsiders with peeling paint or a job not well done?
  • The value of your house is proportional to the coat of paint used.
  • The maintenance of a wall in the absence of long-lasting paint is too exorbitant and may be too huge for your likening.

Now that you have to know why you should have the very best paintwork, let’s move to ways to keep your wall paint lasting forever.

8 Ways To Make Your Wall Paint Last Longer To

This will be sub-divided into two parts, the maintenance of the Interior wall and that of the Exterior wall paint.

Interior Wall Paint

Cleaning of Your Wall

It is pertinent to at least engage in thorough cleaning of your wall twice a year. By so doing, you will prevent the manifestation of mold and fungus infestation. It will also ensure your home look clean and vibrant free from dirt, stain, and dust.

These will ensure your paintwork remains neat and cool for a very long time and the wall (either wood or brick) is in the best state.

Prevent Paint Fade

Direct UV light, sunlight hastened the fading of paint especially if the paint used is not of high quality. To prevent this invest in good and quality window blinds which will protect to the nearest minimum the effects of sun rays, dust, or pollution. And reduce direct exposure of paint to the outside world.

Use High-Quality Paint 

It is not really in the color and hue-ness of the paint that matter but the quality of the same. The more quality paint is the longer it lasts against exposure which will reduce fading.

Using high-quality paint will save you from undue maintenance expenses and time incurred during the same. As we both know, time is money. Using high-quality paint will also guarantee easy wipe-off of dirt and stains on the wall thus protecting your drywall. Quality equals longevity.

Exterior Wall Paint


You should consider going over your building exterior regularly say once every two months. This will ensure you notice any changes in the look or surface of the wall or imminent damages such as water leaks and timely intervention with the same could prevent huge or costly repairs.


Pressure washing should be carried out once in four to five years. This will ensure you have a clean wall free from dirt, stains, and pollution that are high to have to build up over time. While pressure cleaning, ensure you do it under the right pressure as too much pressure could cause you damages to the paint finish.

Mold Prevention

Exposure to constant moisture and humidity oftentimes results in mold infestations. Probably, you might not have an eye to detect mold but it is best if you hire a professional to check for moisture and humidity on your outside walls. By so doing, you’re preventing great damage that could cause you huge funds to repair.

Repair Damages

Noticing that a part of the wall paint is peeling or has become chipped, it is best if you do a paint retouch immediately on the particular spot. Also, you should timely fixed leaks, fill in holes, repaint surfaces. A general damages survey should be carried out on your house periodically to avoid greater or extensive damages to the same.

Professional Touch

And lastly, there are areas whereby you can’t understand or work yourself. In these instances, your best shot is to seek professional assistance to have a check on your walls and conditions affecting the same.

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