Signs of a Bad Car Battery vs. Alternator

Are you having a hard time getting your car to start? If so, you might automatically assume that your car battery is dead.

This could very well be the case! But when your car is not starting, it could also mean that you have a bad alternator in it.

For this reason, it’s important for you to figure out how to know if your car battery is dead vs. your car’s alternator being bad. It’ll help you decide if you need to replace your car battery or alternator.

Here are the top signs of a bad car battery vs. alternator.

Signs of a Bad Car Battery

As we alluded to a moment ago, you’re probably going to guess that you have a dead car battery on your hands when you first realize that you can’t get your car to start. But before diagnosing your car with this issue, you should see if it’s exhibiting any of the signs of a bad car battery.

Here are the signs that you’ll no doubt see when your car’s battery is dead:

  • Your car makes a clicking sound when you attempt to start it
  • Your car cranks slowly when you’re trying to get it up and running
  • Your car’s headlights and interior lights are dimmer than usual when you try to turn it on

If you spot any of these signs when you can’t start your car, it’ll typically indicate that you need to replace a car battery vs. an alternator. Once you drop a new car battery into place, you should be ready to roll.

Signs of a Bad Alternator

While a dead battery will often be behind a car not starting, a bad car alternator could also be to blame for it. If you try to jumpstart your car when it won’t start and it still won’t start for you, this is the first sign that will show you that you might have a bad alternator.

You might also have a bad alternator if:

  • Your car loses power completely
  • Your car starts up momentarily but then stalls out again
  • Your car begins to make strange sounds when you try to start it up

Having a bad alternator is a slightly more serious problem than just having a bad battery. You’ll need to have it towed to an auto repair shop in most cases to get your alternator replaced.

Need Help Differentiating Between the Signs of a Bad Car Battery vs. Alternator?

It can be challenging for the average person to differentiate between the signs of a bad car battery vs. alternator. If you ever find yourself in this position, you should have your car taken down to a reliable repair shop so that they can figure out what’s going on with it.

While you’re at it, you should also consider having an ATL Columbus oil change done. It’l ensure that your car is in tip-top shape when you get it back.

Replace Your Bad Car Battery or Alternator ASAP

Understanding the signs of a bad car battery vs. alternator is important. But regardless of which signs you’re seeing, you shouldn’t hesitate to have your car looked at when you suspect you might have a bad battery or alternator.

The sooner that you have a mechanic check out your car, the sooner you’ll be able to get back out on the road. You’ll also be able to get the peace of mind that comes along with making the necessary repairs to your vehicle.

Get more practical car maintenance tips and tricks by reading through the rest of our auto-related blog articles.

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