Quick, think about the most formidable threats to your workers. Slips and car accidents may come to mind. Yet forklifts caused 78 deaths and injured more than 7,200 people in 2020.
Every forklift driver must receive training in how to drive a forklift like a pro. Thankfully, forklift driving tips are easy to understand and practice. You just need to know what they are.
How can you start and operate a forklift? What should you do when you are trying to load your lift? How can you remain safe as you learn how to drive a forklift?
Answer these questions and you can drive a forklift without problems for years to come. Here is your quick guide.
Perform Basic Actions
When you enter a forklift, grab the handhold and lift yourself into your seat. You should not grab the steering wheel, as it can turn and cause you to lose your balance.
After buckling up, you can start the forklift by turning the key on it. You should then lift the fork off the ground so it doesn’t drag as you drive.
Forklifts are structured like cars, with a brake pedal to the left of an accelerator pedal. You should keep your feet by both pedals so you brake or accelerate when you need to. Keep the steering wheel gripped with both hands, and try to make small adjustments instead of wide turns.
Load Your Forklift
As you approach a load, you should slow down and stop one foot away from it. Turn the parking brake on and put the gears in neutral.
You can adjust the width of your tines to match the width of your load, but you need to keep them level. You can then adjust the height so you can put your load on top of your tines. Once you have your tines lined up, you can drive forward so the load moves toward your forklift.
Keep the load off the ground by a few inches. Lifting it too high can throw off your lift’s center of gravity and make it harder to operate.
Stay Safe as You Drive a Forklift
A forklift can be as dangerous as a car. While you are driving a forklift, you should keep your eyes ahead of you. Check your mirrors every few feet and look over your shoulder to inspect your blind spots.
Never drive your forklift faster than ten miles per hour. You should go even slower if you are carrying a load because your load can tip your lift forward.
If your company buys a new forklift, all forklift operators should receive training on it. Visit websites like 99lifts.com and try to find safety guides for your lift.
Master How to Drive a Forklift Like a Pro
Learning how to drive a forklift like a pro isn’t hard. If you know the essentials of driving a car, you know the essentials of operating a forklift. You should use the brake pedal to slow down and stop, and you make small adjustments with your steering wheel.
You should load your forklift carefully, keeping your tines aligned and putting your load in the center of them. Stay safe with your lift by driving slowly and checking your mirrors.
Forklifts are only one industrial truck you should study. Read more truck safety guides by following our coverage.