ATVs are more fun when they work the way they should. But since a typical ride on an ATV causes a lot of stress on the vehicle, due to off-roading and harsh conditions, it’s easy for things to get a little shaky on your vehicle.
Keeping your ATV cleaned and maintained will ensure it runs well for many years to come. This is especially important during seasons of heavy use, which for some people is summer, and for others is winter.
Either way, learning basic ATV maintenance tips can save you a lot of money by not having to have it serviced professionally all the time. Keep reading to learn how to fix ATV problems, and how to prevent them from happening in the first place.
1. Learn How to Perform an ATV Inspection
Using an ATV inspection checklist, learn how to closely examine your ATV and all its vital parts. You should know what your engine looks like when it’s healthy so that when something is wrong, it’s easy to spot.
You should know what new, safe tires look like so that you can spot a worn-out tire right away. Learning how to look at your ATV with critical eyes is the first step towards preventing issues from manifesting.
2. Keep Extra Parts and Supplies on Hand
There are certain parts that need to be replaced more frequently than others on ATVs. This often includes air filters and brake cables, as well as supplies like brake fluid and chain lube.
Keep these on hand at all times so you can keep your vehicle cleaned and serviced. You can find all the ATV parts and supplies you need at Can-Am Parts Warehouse. And while you’re at it, stock up on shop rags and storage containers to keep your ATV supplies organized in the garage.
3. Basic ATV Maintenance Tips 101: Change the Oil
Just like with cars, checking and changing the oil on your ATV is just as important. Doing so on a regular basis can ensure your engine runs smoothly. It will also prevent grime and corrosion inside your ATV. Make a habit of checking the oil once a week and you’ll be good to go.
4. Keep It Clean
Mud is often seen as a badge of honor when it comes to ATVs. The more mud, the more fun you had.
But it shouldn’t be left on for very long. As soon as you get home, you should hose off all the dirt and mud. Yes, you are washing your off-roading trophy away. But it prevents mud from clogging up the insides of ATV, ruining the paint job, and decreasing overall performance.
5. Keep Your Tires Topped Off
When driving on extreme roads, your tires take a beating. As a result, the air pressure at the end of a drive can be much lower than it was at the start.
After each drive, check your tire pressure and add more air as necessary so it’s ready to go for the next ride.
How to Maintain My ATV
There are many other ATV maintenance tips you should eventually familiarize yourself with in order to build good habits. However, these make for a great starting point, particularly for new ATV owners and riders.
Once these become second nature, you can start taking on more hands-on maintenance tasks.
Looking for other tips like this? Visit our blog today to keep reading.