4 Preventive Maintenance Tips to Maximize Your Car’s Performance

The average car in America is 12.2 years old, which means a lot of wear and tear on their motors and other major systems. If you’re one of these people and you want your car to last as long as possible, you’ll need to make sure you do a full set of preventive maintenance.

Qualified mechanics will tell you that the most important maintenance for your car is an annual service. Well, maybe once a year if you’re lucky. It’s easy to take your car out for one last drive before the mechanic closes up for the night.

The proper service will ensure your car is safe to drive and also help you keep your car running as long as possible. Now that we’ll talk about the proper preventive maintenance car, keep reading to learn about other preventive maintenance tips that you could do.

1. Regular Oil Changes and Tire Rotations

Regular oil changes and tire rotations are two of the most important preventive vehicle maintenance tips. This is for extending the life of your car and maximizing its performance.

Oil changes will help keep the engine lubricated and reduce friction to lower temperatures. This will also help reduce the risk of a seizure due to the accumulation of debris in the oil.

Tire rotations involve changing the position of the tires on your car. This will ensure they wear evenly and increase their lifespan. It is also important to check the internal and external tire pressures, as well as the treads and other components.

2. Regular Brake Inspections and Maintenance

Regular brake inspections and maintenance are a must to ensure your car’s safety and performance. To get the most out of your car’s brakes and maximize their performance, inspect them once a year or every 30,000 to 70,000 miles, depending on how frequently you use your car. Any worn down or non-functioning component should be replaced.

The brake pads should also be measured and replaced, if necessary when they become less than 1/4 inch thick. Check the condition of the brake lines, the brake hoses, and the brake fluid itself.

3. Fluid Level and Display System Checks

Make sure to keep the engine oil and coolant full for optimal performance. Inspect the radiator for leaks or low levels. Check the fuel filter and fuel lines, as a clogged or dirty filter could decrease efficient combustion.

Checking the fluid levels and display systems of your car is essential to maintain its performance over time.

4. Check the Car’s Coating

Maintaining automotive ceramic coating is a necessary part of preventive maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Specifically, regularly washing the car and waxing helps to keep the paint coating intact and prevents premature rust and paint deterioration.

As part of a car care program, the vehicle should be washed regularly, preferably every two to three weeks. To protect the car’s finish, use gentle automotive soap, not dish soap, and a soft sponge or cloth. Using wax is also beneficial, as it helps to repel water and resists the damaging effects of air and water.

Explore Preventive Maintenance Car

Regular car service and preventive maintenance car are essential for long-term performance and cost savings. If you want to maximize the performance of your car and save on repair costs, act now and start applying these preventive maintenance tips!

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