Ski Tuning 101: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Are you ready for skiing season? If you can’t wait to get back on the slopes, you need to make sure your skis are ready for the trip, too! Maintaining your skis is important not only for their longevity but for your safety and fun as well!

To have the best time skiing this year, read this article to learn everything you need to know about ski tuning!

What is Ski Tuning?

Just like getting your car tuned, tuning your skis is performing regular maintenance so that your skis can be at their best. You should tune your skis throughout the season to keep them at their peak performance.

Tuning includes several steps that take care of the base, the edges, and waxing. Not every part of the process needs to be completed each time, but if you ski several times a week, you’ll need a tune every two or three weeks.

You can do your tuning on your own. However, you should consider professional ski tuning for the best results. Most professionals offer packages of multiple tunings at a discount.

Ski Tuning Process

There are four major steps in the ski tuning process. The first is checking for and repairing any damage. Any gouges or scrapes need to be taken care of before the rest of the tuning process.

Next is flattening the base. There are tools to help you determine if your base is flat, which is necessary for control. If your board isn’t flat, other tools can help you flatten it.

After that, take care of the steel edges. This includes beveling to specific angles, deburring, and polishing. When you do this, you improve performance and prevent rust.

Finally, wax the board with either hot wax or a rub-on wax. This will make gliding and turning much easier in all kinds of snow!

Learn more about professional ski tuning now!

Benefits of Ski Tuning

Tuning your skis regularly makes you a better skier! You will have better control and grip after tuning.

Because of the better control, it’s also safer to use properly tuned skis. This is a sport where even a small difference in performance can cause or prevent major injuries.

If you’re a racer, you’ll find that tuning your skis can help you go faster down the slopes. This isn’t just because of the waxing – when every part of your ski is in great condition, they’ll work much better overall.

Finally, regular ski maintenance will ensure your skis last longer. If you want to get years out of your favorite skis, the best way is to keep them tuned!

Always Keep Your Skis Tuned!

Now that you know the importance of ski tuning don’t put off taking care of your own skis! Whether you choose to do it yourself or go the professional route, always be sure to undergo regular ski tuning! This simple process will keep your skis working better for longer!

There’s plenty to learn about skiing and other interesting topics! Check out more articles now by exploring this site!

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