Get Your Dog Walking to Get These Health Benefits

Just like humans, dogs need to have a healthy lifestyle. There are different ways to ensure they are in their prime health condition. Aside from providing them balanced-diet meals, regular trips to the veterinarian keep you updated if they have any possible illness and allows the experts to treat it before it gets worse. Engaging them in physical activities, like a dog walk Brisbane exercise, is also vital for their health.

How Does Walking Contribute to the Health of My Dog?

Most people only look at dog walking as an opportunity for dogs to go do their ‘business’. But it’s more than just that. It may seem like a simple task but you’re really doing your pooch a favour if you let them out for a walk. Dogs need to have their walking time, so if you’re too busy to accompany them, you can hire professional dog walkers instead.

Here’s what your furry friend can get from walking:

Weight and Body Condition

One of the major health issues among dogs is obesity. Similar to humans, failure to treating obesity can lead to a whole lot of other health complications. The solution is to burn more calories than consumed. With a simple dog walk Brisbane activity, dogs can shed those excess calories and pounds away.

Joint Health

Some dog breeds are prone to having joint issues like arthritis. Worse, joint problems can also cause decreased mobility. This can be prevented by allowing your dogs to join professional dog walkers for a simple stroll. This low-impact exercise can preserve your dog’s lean muscle mass which decreases the stiffness and alleviates any pain they may be experiencing.

Digestive and Urinary Health

A regular dog walk Brisbane exercise allows dogs to release urine and poop on a schedule. Being able to relieve themselves on a consistent routine can help them prevent constipation. Plus, walking keeps them from having bladder retention and urinary tract infections.

Beyond physical health, dog walking can also affect:

Emotional Health

Dogs have emotions, too. They also tend to be lonely, most especially if often left alone at home. Dog walking is your chance to fill in this void your dog feels. This can also help them get rid of attention-seeking behaviours, like too much barking and whining, as well as simply being annoying.

Mental Health

Bored dogs are likely to do something destructive, such as chewing furniture, digging holes in the yard, or eating non-food items. Give them something constructive to do, like walking, and they’ll eventually learn to let go of these habits. Walking is good for their minds. While strolling, they get to explore new paths, watch wildlife, see other people and discover a lot of other things they don’t usually see at home. It is also essential for dogs to have dog flea options to care for them. Furthermore, walking releases excess energy which helps them to have a more convenient sleep later on.

Need Help with Dog Walking?

Because of our busy schedules, we may not have enough time to take our dogs for a walk. Spot The Dog Walkers is here to help. They have professional dog walkers who can get your furry friend moving even if you’re not around. Rest assured that your dog will be safe and happy with their service. Know more about them.

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