More than 4 million children in the U.S. have braces. Do your child’s friends have braces? Is your son or daughter asking you about braces?
Looking for the right time to get orthodontic braces for your child? The best age for orthodontic braces varies from child to child. Luckily, there are some signs it’s time to take your child to the orthodontist.
1. Teeth Are Crooked or Crowded
This is probably the most common reason a child goes to the orthodontist. However, there are different reasons your child’s teeth are growing in crooked. For example, their permanent teeth may start growing in before their baby teeth have fallen out, and their jaw is not large enough to accommodate these teeth.
Whatever the reason, children may have issues cleaning their teeth properly with crooked or crowded teeth. Crooked teeth may also make your child self-conscious.
The same is true with the opposite issue. If your child’s teeth have too much space between them, it can still cause problems. Using new orthodontic braces or Invisalign can help correct this problem.
Interested in learning more about Invisalign? Learn more here.
2. Late or Early Loss of Baby Teeth
If your child is losing baby teeth too late or too early, it may be a sign they need braces. When a tooth is lost early, teeth can move into empty spaces while the adult teeth are still forming.
Losing baby teeth late causes alignment issues with teeth. Your family dentist will monitor the development of teeth and let you know if the sequence is out of order.
3. Having an Underbite
If the lower teeth come in front of the upper teeth, your child has an underbite. Having an underbite is associated with a prominent lower jaw appearance.
This can lead to issues chewing along with problems with certain speech sounds. If left untreated, the underbite can worsen as your child continues to grow.
4. Having an Overbite
This is the opposite of an underbite. If your child has an overbite, your child’s teeth protrude over the lower teeth. This can cause your child to breathe more frequently through their mouth because they can’t close their lips or rest their tongue on the roof of their mouth.
5. Prolonged Thumbsucking
If your child sucked their thumb for a long period of time, it may have caused your child’s front teeth to move outward. It may have also cause crowding with the bottom teeth.
Children typically stop thumbsucking around two to four years old, but if your child sucks their thumb when adult teeth start coming in, they may need braces.
Is It Time for Orthodontic Braces?
If you notice any of these signs, it may be time for orthodontic braces. There is no set age for a child to get braces, so it’s best to discuss it with an orthodontist. Your family dentist can also help you determine when you need an ortho appointment.
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