Causes and Possible Treatments for Dark Eye Circles

Dark circles under the eyes can make you look older and make you feel uncomfortable. They can be caused by too little sleep, smoking, allergies, or heredity. Some people with dark eyes opt for eyeshadows and concealers to cover the dark circles. To avoid too much work and living with dark eye circles, you can determine what causes them and determine the ideal solution for them. Here are the primary causes of dark circles and possible treatments:

1. Stress

Stress can cause tiredness and sleepless nights. The body’s exposure to stress releases certain hormones, and the blood vessels near the eyes constrict. It results in the face acquiring a drained and puffy look. This will cause the appearance of dark circles. You can avoid this by relaxing, exercising, and having a good sleep. Also, go for dark eye circle treatment in Singapore to ensure the condition is not exacerbated.

2. Eye allergies

Some people are prone to eye allergies such as red, swollen, and itchy eyes. They can be caused by many factors such as pollution, dust, pollen, pet hair, and smoke. For example, if you are working in a dusty environment all day long, your eyes might have an itchy or dry sensation, which can make dark circles worse. To prevent further itching, you can deal with this issue by using an eye cream with a high ocular lipids content.

3. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause dark circles. Every night when you sleep, your body releases the hormone melatonin. Melatonin controls the waking state and is secreted in decreasing levels every night before sleeping. When your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it stays awake and fails to produce enough melatonin. This will result in low levels of melatonin, which will constrict the blood vessels near the eyes, resulting in dark circles. You can prevent this by getting a good sleep schedule and waking up simultaneously every day.

4. Hormonal changes

There are times when women experience hormonal changes as they go through menopause, pregnancy, and puberty. The fluctuation can cause the capillaries near the eyes to enlarge, so less oxygen is present around the eyes, causing dark circles around them. A possible solution to this is taking in enough Vitamin C and B-complex.

5. Poor diet

Not eating healthy foods can result in dark eye circles. The body will utilize the vital nutrients, causing nutritional deficiencies. The body needs vitamins, minerals, and proteins to function well. If there is insufficient protein, the skin becomes dry, resulting in dark eye circles. Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and fish would be best. Always eat a balanced diet and consider drinking lots of water.

6. Heredity

Dark circles under the eyes can also be hereditary. The genetic trait for dark circles runs in families and is passed from one generation to another. You may have inherited them from your parents or grandparents. If you take care of yourself and exercise, you can considerably reduce the appearance of these dark circles.


Consider consulting a doctor if you are affected by dark circles and have no idea what can treat them. Also, try to have a balanced and healthy diet to prevent the condition from worsening. If you don’t have dark circles under your eyes but still look older, consider getting some eye cream to ensure that the skin is hydrated and smooth.

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