Did you know that certain types of insulation in your home can keep your air and home energy use between 10% and 15% lower than if no insulation is used?
Opting for the right roof insulation is an excellent start with the need to reduce energy costs. The type of insulation you choose for your roof will depend on several factors, such as the environment in which you live, the composition of your roof, and your budget.
Read on to learn more about different types of insulation and the cost of these materials.
Loose Fill Insulation
The most common type of insulation is loose fill, made of small pieces of fiberglass, cellulose, or recycled plastic. It’s usually applied in a double layer, with the first layer going over the top of the second layer. Loose fill insulation is the cheapest option, with an average cost of $1.50 per square foot.
Batts Insulation
Batt insulation is available in different thicknesses and R-values, and it can install in both attics and walls. The installation process is more time-consuming than roll insulation, but it is less expensive. Batt insulation is less effective than roll insulation, but it is still an effective way to insulate your home.
Roll Insulation
Roll insulation is available in different widths and thicknesses to accommodate other spaces, and it can install either horizontally or vertically. The installation process is relatively simple and can cut the insulation to fit any space. Roll insulation is typically more expensive than batt insulation, the cost of roll insulation is $0.32 per square foot, but it is also more efficient and has a higher R-value.
Cellulose Insulation
In the United States, the most common type of roofing insulation is cellulose insulation. Cellulose insulation is made from recycled newspaper and other paper products that have been treated with fire retardants and other chemicals to make it resistant to mold, mildew, and pests.
Cellulose insulation is usually pink or blue. Cellulose insulation is the most affordable type of roof insulation, costing an average of $0.40 per square foot.
Spray Foam Insulation
There are two types of spray foam insulation.
Closed cell spray foam is more expensive than open cell spray foam, but it is also more effective. Closed cell spray foam has an R-value of 6.5. closed cell spray foam also weighs more than open cell spray foam, making it more difficult to install.
Open cell spray foam has an R-value of 3.5. Open cell spray is the least expensive and most popular type of roof insulation. It is made of polyurethane foam and is sprayed onto the roof deck.
Do some research for more info about installation.
Roof Insulation Types and Cost
Different insulated roofs exist, and the cost will vary depending on the type, size of the house, and installation method. For a rough estimate, blanket insulation can cost around $0.50 per square foot, while spray insulation can cost $1.50 per square foot.
Talk to a roofing contractor to determine which type of roof insulation is best for your home and how much it will cost.