5 Signs It’s Time for a New Car

In 2021, over 1.6 million new cars were sold in Canada.

Have you been riding around in your 10-year-old car, wondering if it’s time to look into buying a new car? Driving your car to work every day means constantly putting wear and tear on it. No matter how well you take care of it, the time will come when you need to buy a new car.

Read along as we divulge signs it’s time for a new car.

1. Check Engine Light Is Always On

Most people typically ignore the check engine light until it’s convenient for them to go for a check-up. However, that shouldn’t be the case since the check engine light turns on for a reason. You might be tempted to continue using your car to save some money, but that can cost you in the long run.

Make a point of finding out why your check engine light is on before things go south when you least expect it. It might be an indication that you need to start looking for a new car.

2. Fuel Inefficiency

It’s a no-brainer that older cars are less fuel-efficient than newer models. Most people don’t see this as a problem, but you can save a lot of money if your car is fuel-efficient. If your car uses more gallons of fuel for every mile you drive than it should, it’s time to upgrade.

3. Numerous Break Downs

Imagine as you’re coming back home from a trip, your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. A new car could save you all these troubles, and you’d never have to worry about your car breaking down on a deserted back road. If your car is always breaking down, it’s time to take matters seriously and consider getting a new car.

4. Frequent Repairs and Replacement of Parts

If you’re spending an abnormal amount of money on car repairs, it could mean that your car is older than you think. If you’ve already replaced certain parts more than once, it’s time to consider getting a new car. Replacing car parts is an inevitability of car ownership, but if it’s happening too often, it won’t be worth investing in anymore.

5. The Odometer Reads Over 100,000 Miles

Many experts recommend replacing your car after it reaches 100,000 miles. Depending on how well you take care of your car and its regular maintenance, you might be able to go longer than that.

However, if you’re close to that benchmark or haven’t had regular maintenance done on your car, it may be time to look into getting something new. If you have an old car, now is the best time to buy a car. Check out CarsFast to get the car of your choice and different financing options.

Plausible Signs It’s Time for a New Car

The pointers mentioned above are the signs you should be on the lookout for to know if you need to start looking for a new car. Take into consideration how much you spend on repairs every year and how much it would cost you to get a new car. Now you know the signs it’s time for a new car.

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