How to Find a Job You Love

About 85% of Americans hate their jobs. Yet, we spend much of our adult life working.

Don’t choose something that will leave you feeling unhappy. You can find work that will leave you feeling fulfilled!

Keep reading to learn how to find a job you love.

Discover Your Interests

What interests you? To answer this question, think back to the things you loved as a child.

We don’t always outgrow our passions. Much of the time we allow society to pull us away from them and tell us what we should do.

You can also take a career aptitude test. These assessments help you figure out what jobs best fit both your personality and your skillset.

Actively Search

Very seldom do great career opportunities fall in people’s laps. Start actively searching for your dream job.

Look at local job boards online, in the newspaper, and in local magazines. Some employers do not post their listings everywhere.

Put out your resume on career search pages as well. This makes you visible to employers who seek what you offer.

Further Your Education

Some people settle for work because they lack the education to do something they love. Attend college or vocational school.

This can help you learn yourself better and flesh out what you really enjoy doing. Career development will also give you the knowledge and qualifications to move forward with your dream career.

Research Prospective Employers

If you find a job listing that piques your interest, do your research. Some career options sound amazing upfront, but do not end up great down the road.

Read the vision and mission statement to see what this e employer stands for. Look into their company culture to get an idea of what the workplace will be like.

Ask around to see if anybody you know works there. Also, check out consumer reviews to learn about their reputation.

Build a Solid Resume

A resume allows employers to take a quick look and learn about a person’s experience and skills. To land a good job, yours must appear easy to read, neat, and free of errors.

Properly format and add in all of the correct, up-to-date information. Use a professional resume builder online to easily complete yours.

Interview Back

Treat the job search as if you will only take the best. When you go in for your interview, ask questions back.

Turn the interview into a full conversation where you both learn about each other. This will open more up so that both of you can see whether or not you and the business match.

Before heading into your interview, write down a list of questions. Do not leave until everything gets answered.

Understand How to Find a Job You Love

When you understand what you want, you will know how to find a job you love. The rest takes effort and perseverance.

Put yourself out there and ask the right questions. You will land something that makes life feel good!

Are you going back to school so that you can land your dream job? Find helpful tips on our education page!

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