5 Mistakes with RV Shopping and How to Avoid Them

By the first quarter of 2021, it was clear that record-breaking numbers of RVs were being sold, nearly 150,000 in total.

With so many RVs being built and sold, there’s a lot of new people getting involved in owning and enjoying RVing. Mistakes with RV shopping can cost you a lot of time, effort, and money. Don’t risk it, make sure to avoid these five mistakes when you go shopping for your own RV.

1. The RV is too Small

One of the big mistakes with RV shopping that many people make is to go small. Small campers seem to have a lot of advantages until you realize you’re going to be stuck in the camper all day when there’s rain and inclement weather. Small and large RVs exist for a reason, make sure that yours fits your needs.

2. Buying Used Without Experience

Condition is key when it comes to RVs, and not everyone is honest when telling you the condition of the RV they are selling. Remember that without experience you won’t know what to look for. Either get someone who knows what they are doing, or deals only with reputable dealerships.

3. Not Shopping Around

In the world of RVs, there are a lot of options and features. A lot of people check a local RV dealer and don’t go any further. If you want to find the perfect RV for you, make sure you’re comparing RV prices and checking the options for RVs that you’re looking at.

Settling for the first RV you find that has some of the features you want is almost always going to end with you being unsatisfied. If you already have an idea of what you want, then it might be easier to get an RV here. Buying wholesale can save you a lot of money and time.

4. Calculating Tow Weight

Remember that being able to tow your RV is a major part of enjoying it. A lot of people will read the dry weight of an RV and think that’s what it is going to weigh when they move it. Consider the maximum weight of the RV, because once you have all your tools, equipment, and food in the RV, it will be a lot heavier.

This means that if you get an RV with a dry weight that is close to your vehicle’s maximum towing capacity, you could be in for some rough times ahead.

5. Taking Climate Into Consideration

Depending on where you live, there are a few environmental matters you need to address. Does your RV have an air conditioner? Do you need to have a furnace or a more powerful AC installed? All of these are common RV features, but without the right features, your RVing could be ruined.

Mistakes with RV Shopping

Avoiding regular mistakes with RV shopping requires a bit of time and research on your part. Make sure you aren’t settling, but instead that you are getting the most of what you want for what you can spend. If you liked this article, please feel free to check out what else we can offer you on our website.

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